
Owensboro Building and Loan Association 1.jpg

This log book contains payment receipts from J. Otis Bosley to Owensboro Building and Loan Association for 10 shares. Each Saturday, Bosley was required to pay a certain amount of dues and interest to keep his investment. Inside this book are numerous pages of dues paid, all of which were signed off on by an employee of Owensboro Building and Loan Association.

This book can teach us more about Bosley as a business man, and about his financial situation. In the past, people had to rely on keeping paper copies of their records and receipts to prove their debts had been paid. They didn't have online bank statements.

In addition to this book of receipts from J. Otis Bosley, the Bosley Trunk contains hundreds of slips of paper from J. Otis Bosley's own grandfather: Nicholas G. Bosley (1803-1886). I intend to scan images of these receipts to create another exhibit section in the future.

Looking through old receipts informs you about the culture of the past, and serves as an example of the differences between past cultures and your own. What can you learn from the records your family has kept?