Not Just a Farmer?

Police Badge 1.jpg

One of the most interesting personal objects associated with J. Otis Bosley is this silver Owensboro Police badge. My grandparents only knew Bosley as a farmer, but this artifact suggests that he might have been more than a farmer.

This badge has his name, "J OTIS BOSLEY," stamped into the back. One would assume that this was his personal possession, suggesting that he was a member of the police force in Owensboro, Kentucky at some point in time.

This is the only object in the Bosley Trunk that suggests his work as a member of the police force. Hopefully more information will come to light after speaking with the current Owensboro Police Department to see if they have any records that could trace this back to him.

If there was another object that supported his police work, would it be more believable? This highlights the importance of context. This object paired with another from the same location would better prove the notion. However, a lack of evidence means more research needs to be done.

Are there any mystery objects in your packrat's collection? What clues do they provide, and what information can lead you to do more research?